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Leticia Sabino

Graduated in Urban Design and City Planning at UCL (University College London), with undergrad in Business Administration at FGV-EAESP and post-graduation in Creative Economy and Creative cities. Founder and director of SampaPé!, NGO focused in promoting walkable cities and improve walking experience, member of International Federation of Pedestrian (IFP).  Co-founder of Latin American Network for Walkable Cities and […]

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Demetrio Scopelliti

Demetrio Scopelliti is an architect who loves cities and believes in urban design as a tool for innovation and change. Currently, he is Director of Urban Planning and Public Space at the City of Milan’s Agency for Mobility, Environment and Territory (AMAT). Since 2016, he has been Advisor to the Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, […]

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Dave Twaddle

With over 25 years of experience in various Transportation related roles, Dave Twaddle, is currently the Director of Permits and Enforcement within the City of Toronto’s Transportation Services Division. He has worked on an array of projects associated with improving the City’s traffic congestion as well as overseeing all permits related to development applications & […]

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Arielle Fleisher

Arielle supports SPUR’s efforts to create a high-quality transportation system in the Bay Area. Previously, she worked at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, where she managed a number of bicycle and pedestrian safety education programs in support of the city’s Vision Zero policy. In addition she developed programs, plans and policies to encourage travel […]

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Tim Lawson

Tim Lawson is a Senior Transportation Engineer with the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). For the past nineteen years, he has worked to improve the operation and safety of TTC’s buses and streetcars, through transportation engineering. Tim has been involved in various transit priority initiatives, including the extensive development and implementation of transit signal priority (TSP). […]

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Peter Furth

Peter Furth earned his BS, MS, and PhD degrees at MIT.Dr. Furth has also both studied and taught in the Netherlands, focusing on advanced practices in transit priority, demand-responsive traffic signal control, transit operations control, bicycle transportation, and safe street design. He has authored more than 50 publications, including the winner of the TRB Traffic […]

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Joel Meyer

Joel is a transportation planner with Austin Transportation Department’s Vision Zero Program. Joel works on a number of strategic initiatives within ATD including the development of a new Speed Management Program, citywide pedestrian crossing enhancements and crash data analysis. Prior to joining the Vision Zero team Joel served as Pedestrian Coordinator and was the lead […]

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Tracey Lin

As a senior transportation planner in the Planning Division at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), Tracey leads long-range transit projects that aim to improve transit services to critical neighborhoods throughout the City. With a heavy background in outreach and service planning and a personal interest in equity issues, Tracey led the day-to-day project […]

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Laurence Lui

Laurence is a Senior Planner with the TTC’s Strategy & Service Planning department, part of a team that monitors and adjusts existing bus, streetcar and subway services, liaises with diverse stakeholders on various transit topics, and assesses proposals for short- and long-term transit changes in Toronto. He is currently the lead for streetcar service planning […]

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