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Danny Pleasant

Danny Pleasant, AICP, currently serves as Transportation Director for the City of Charlotte. He is responsible for the full spectrum of planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining city streets for walkers, bicyclists, transit riders and motorists. His department provides staffing for a three-county metropolitan planning organization and a fourteen-county air quality planning region. With his background as a professional planner, Danny is dedicated to building quality communities using thoughtful transportation planning and urban design strategies.

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Edward Reiskin

In July 2011, Edward D. Reiskin was named the Director of Transportation of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). In this role, Mr. Reiskin oversees the Municipal Railway (Muni), parking, traffic engineering, bicycle and pedestrian safety, accessibility, and taxi regulation. Muni is one of the oldest public transit agencies in America and the largest in the Bay Area, currently carrying more than 200 million riders per year and 700,000 boardings on an average weekday. Muni’s fleet includes historic streetcars, modern light rail vehicles, diesel buses, alternative fuel vehicles, electric trolley coaches, and the world famous cable cars. Mr. Reiskin rides Muni every day, bringing the perspective as a customer to his role as leader of the agency.

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Linda Bailey

Linda Bailey is the Executive Director of NACTO. Prior to this position, she was the federal policy advisor for New York City Department of Transportation for six years, where she was also a key advisor for NACTO. She has been working in U.S. transportation policy for 16 years, with a career that has spanned research, advocacy, and implementation, always focusing on sustainability within the transportation sector.

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Corinne Kisner

As Deputy Director of NACTO, Corinne oversees the organization’s national programs and publications, manages an incredible team of NACTO staff, and liaises with a network of leading city transportation officials to advance people-oriented urban design.

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