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Ann Marie Doherty is Senior Director of the Research, Implementation & Safety (RIS) Unit of the Transportation Planning & Management Division at the New York City Department of Transportation. Ms. Doherty is responsible for conducting complex planning and safety studies and developing safety programs and projects based upon robust data-driven analysis.  She oversees the planning, […]

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Jerry Dobrovolny is Director of Transportation for the City of Vancouver. He is responsible for the 300 staff who look after all aspects of transportation at the city including strategic planning, neighbourhood traffic calming, greenways and bikeways, parking enforcement, parking meters, street activities and festivals, traffic management, and blueways. He received his civil engineering degree […]

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Jennifer Dill

Dr. Jennifer Dill is a professor in the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University and Director of the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC). TREC houses the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), a national university transportation center, and the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI). […]

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Richard A. Davey was MassDOT Secretary and Chief Executive Officer from 2010–2011. Secretary Davey leads a 10,000 person organization that operates with a single mission: to provide a safe, reliable and efficient transportation system for the citizens of the Commonwealth. Secretary Davey and his team are implementing a strategic investment and operations plan focused on the […]

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Nate is a Principal Landscape Architect at SvR in Seattle. He has been in practice for 14 years and received his MLA from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. Nate’s work ranges from parks and trails to streetscapes and public works. Nate draws inspiration from the deep history of sites and their potential to serve contemporary […]

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Tiffany is a designer, researcher, and urbanist. Currently a Fellow at Code for America, she is passionate about helping cities become more innovative, accessible, and user-centered throuCh design and technology. Previously, she launched the UX research practice at Zipcar, worked as an innovation consultant at Continuum, and wrote for Dwell. Tiffany has a background in […]

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Gary Chen is a graphic designer at the San Francisco Planning Department working in the Information & Analysis Group. He is responsible for designing visual information in the form of infographics, mapping, and illustrations for the department’s various publications, presentations, project web sites and other public outreach. He has been with the department for over […]

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Alice Chen is a Principal Planner with Kittelson & Associates. Over the past 20 years, she has worked with several cities in California on their Circulation Elements of their General Plans developing policies and performance standards and then applying them through the environmental review process. Her recent work has been to address the state’s Complete […]

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Aleksiina Chapman is a graduate engineer for the City of Austin Transportation Department. She is responsible for the planning, design, and implementation of on-street bicycle facilities in Austin. She lives car-free in Texas and encourages bicycling as a normal part of everyday life. Aleksiina holds a degree in Civil Engineering from McGill University.  

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Dongho Chang

Dongho Chang is the City Traffic Engineer for Seattle. He has worked over 25 years in the transportation engineering field focused on improving safety and mobility for all travel modes.  Dongho has worked as the Traffic Engineer for City of Everett and Area Engineer for Washington State Department of Transportation where he was responsible for […]

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