Dongho Chang Title: City Traffic Engineer, Seattle NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference Dongho Chang is the City Traffic Engineer for Seattle. He has worked over 25 years in the transportation engineering field focused on improving safety and mobility for all travel modes. Dongho has worked as the Traffic Engineer for City of Everett and Area Engineer for Washington State Department of Transportation where he was responsible for traffic signals group, traffic analysis and channelization review, and traffic safety program. Dongho is active with Institute of Transportation Engineers and NACTO. Dongho drove a Zamboni during high school, which he considers as his “coolest” job ever! Speaker Events: From Protected Bike Lanes to Robust Bikeway Networks Intuitive Intersection Design Beyond Protected Bicycle Lanes - The Role of All Ages and Abilities Networks Transit Track Engineers: Your City's Problem Solvers Advanced Workshop: Signal Strategies for Bikes & Transit Traffic Signals 301: Bicycle Signal Tools & Techniques Vision Zero Workshop: Redesigning Major Streets for Safety The ’Notorious’ MUTCD – Why Fixing a Federal Manual is Critical to Safety, Equity and Climate