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Andrew Rundle

Title: Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference

Dr. Andrew Rundle’s research focuses on the determinants of sedentary lifestyles and obesity and the health related consequences of these conditions, particularly the role of sedentary behavior and obesity in cancer development.  Dr. Rundle directs the Built Environment and Health Research Group, a trans-disciplinary team of researchers studying how neighborhood built and social environments influence diet, physical activity and, in turn, obesity risk. In particular, his group has focused on links between neighborhood walkability and physical activity and obesity risk. His work on neighborhood level effects has been used as part of the scientific rationale for the New York City ‘Active Design Guidelines’ jointly published by the Departments of Design and Construction, Health and Mental Hygiene, Transportation and City Planning, and for the Mayor’s Food Policy Task Force’s ‘Food Retail Expansion to Support Health’ (FRESH) initiative.  Recently, Dr. Rundle’s work on the determinants of obesity has focused on the role of prenatal and early life exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals on childhood obesity.   He is studying the effects of prenatal exposure to air pollution, phthalates, and bisphenol A on childhood growth and body composition. Dr. Rundle teaches the Environmental Epidemiology course in the Department of Epidemiology and contributes lectures to the Clinical Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences Core classes.  His research is funded by NIH, CDC, EPA, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the US Forest Service.   Dr. Rundle received his DrPH in 2000 and MPH in 1994 from Columbia University. In addition, he received a BS from the State University of New York in 1991.