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Elise Harmon-Freeman

Elise Harmon-Freeman helps shape and implement NACTO’s communication strategy, manages the communications calendar, and produces materials that advocate for transformative changes on city streets. Before joining NACTO, Elise served as the Communications Manager for the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department in Cambridge, Massachusetts. There, she managed the department’s print materials, website, press relations, internal communications, […]

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Laura Rubio-Cornejo

Laura Rubio-Cornejo joined the City of Los Angeles in 2023 as General Manager of the Department of Transportation, bringing with her extensive experience in municipal, regional and state government. As the General Manager, Laura leads a multi-disciplinary department responsible for advancing the safe and efficient multi-modal movement of people and goods within the City. As […]

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Alana Brasier

Alana Brasier is an urban planner who is passionate about creating sustainable, equitable, and vibrant cities through sound planning, policies, design, and the people-power to get things done. As NACTO’s Director of Engagement, Alana plays a crucial role in connecting NACTO’s community of transportation professionals; leading the team that executes key NACTO programming, including the […]

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Fielding Hong

Fielding Hong is a Program Manager on the Capacity Building team at NACTO, supporting curricular opportunities that train city transportation professionals to advance sustainable and just design, policy, and organizational culture. Throughout his career he has worked at the intersections of education, art and design, civic engagement, and social justice. Fielding has worked as both […]

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David Zipper

David Zipper is a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Taubman Center for State and Local Government, where he examines the interplay between urban policy and new mobility technologies. David’s perspective on urban development is rooted in his experience working within city hall as well as being a venture capitalist, policy researcher, and startup […]

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Tangier Barnes Wright

Tangier Barnes Wright is passionate about environmental justice and brings over a decade of project management and community engagement experience in lower-income communities and communities of color. In her current role, Tangier manages PeopleForBikes’ participation in the Better Bike Share Partnership. She is honored to be supporting the efforts of communities across the nation to […]

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