Many current crises require moving forward without a clear roadmap. How do we rethink the role of policing in traffic safety? How can agencies break histories of racial injustice, and center equity in day-to-day practices like procurement and staffing? How do we handle uncertainty and improvisation at institutions built around multi-year plans? Though radical imagination and bureaucracy can seem incompatible, we can learn from past experiences of institutional culture change, and borrow lessons from peers in public health and planning. Join this lively conversation on how leaders in many fields “make the road by walking” and build critical mass for transformation.
NACTO will offer free (regardless of registration status) broadcasts on Facebook live and recordings of keynote programming. Registered participants are eligible for AICP CM credits.
Translation available on Zoom: Español, Português.
Thursday, December 10
12:45 PM ET | 9:45 AM PT
Open to public