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NACTO Camp: Going Big – Catalyzing big Shifts in Culture and Funding

NACTO Camp: Going Big – Catalyzing big Shifts in Culture and Funding

Share reflections and lessons learned from places that have had big shifts in culture and funding towards active transportation, safety and transit infrastructure. Thoughts on how solid foundations in planning, programs, process, trust-building, inclusive infrastructure, and much more all lay the groundwork for big changes in the status quo. Experiences from Austin and other places that have made the leap.

Open Discussion (with some facilitation)

Attendee Cap

Who is welcome to attend?
People in places that are just starting or are far along on this journey

Host Company or Agency
City of Austin

Wednesday, December 9
1:00 PM ET | 10:00 AM PT
Registered attendees only

Pre-registration is required to access the session “Join” button in your custom Virtual Lobby.