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NACTO | BBSP | Shared Micromobility & Cities for Cycling Roundtable

NACTO | BBSP | Shared Micromobility & Cities for Cycling Roundtable

The landscape of planning for, designing for, and regulating micromobility continues to shift as commute patterns change, e-bikes become more and more prevalent, and both cities and bike share operators are asked to do more with less.

With travel still limited, NACTO, in partnership with Better Bike Share Partnership, is launching a second virtual joint roundtable with the NACTO Shared Micromobility and Cities for Cycling Peer Network. This year the program will be a Roundtable Summer Series and will run throughout the summer as a discussion series.

Participants in the 2021 Roundtable Summer Series will have the opportunity to meet with peers across North America to discuss emerging best practices, lessons learned, and ongoing challenges. Session topics will be set in collaboration with participants throughout the summer and will cover topics related to bikeway planning/design as well as managing/regulating shared micromobility.

All sessions and social hours are open to practitioners working for NACTO member cities and agencies, and select sessions are open to partner organizations of the Better Bike Share Partnership. Please complete this registration form to register for the series and receive calendar invites.

Schedule of events (pdf) to be updated below throughout the summer. Register here.


Program Sessions.

Join the Cities for Cycling and Shared Micromobilty peer networks to learn more about how you can make the most of the summer series, help establish priority discussion topics, and inform the goals for the upcoming NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, third edition. This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities only.

More Than A Picture: Tell Your Story With Images
Project updates and storytelling that include meaningful and inviting photography – showing how a street can feel as opposed to just how it functions – are key to describing and securing support for new approaches and projects. Join us to learn more about NACTO’s new photo library and how your city can benefit from and contribute to this growing resource. Share round robin updates and project photos with NACTO peers and have an open discussion on how to capture meaningful photos to make the case and support your work.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities and BBSP community partners and non-profit operators only.

Making Bikes Count
Join NACTO Technical Lead Matthew Roe in a discussion of how cities are building count programs that capture a bigger picture of bicycle and micromobilty. This session and discussion will inform a forthcoming NACTO practitioner paper providing guidance on how to set up a count program and make the most of the data through analysis and storytelling.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities and invited partners.

Where to Share Micromobility
Equity has been incorporated into the guiding principles and goals of Transportation Departments and Shared Micromobility Programs. Equitable distribution has been a core consideration as both station based and dockless shared micro-mobility programs are developed and expanded. Hear from the City of Baltimore, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, City of Boston, and MoGO in Detroit on how they approach equitable distribution of bikes and scooters and why it is important to evaluate operational decisions.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities and BBSP community partners and non-profit operators only.

The Ball is in your Court and the Scooter is on your Street: Making the Most of Shared Micromobility
Over the past few years, shared micromobility companies have come, gone, and consolidated, offering different device types and focusing on different program goals. Cities have had to keep up with a rapidly changing market of shared micromoblity providers and the balance between public investment with market forces. This session will discuss ways in which Cities are selecting companies and devices today, how companies are held accountable, and in what way Cities need to/should control the program goal moving forward.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities only.

Material Decisions: What Comes After Paint and Posts
Using low-cost, readily available materials, cities across the world have rapidly tested new street designs to meet shifting community needs. This has been a successful mechanism for getting new types of bikeways introduced in a City and expanding networks, but has also resulted in increased maintenance burdens. Hear from program managers who are developing their cities’ quick-build capabilities, rotating project-selection methods in place, and finding ways to maintain larger and larger networks.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities only.

Alternatives to Policing with Shared Micromobilty Programs
An open discussion of proactive and reactive ways to address system vandalism, theft, and other program challenges without police involvement. The conversation will be led by staff from Chicago and Baltimore who are exploring new ways to partner with communities and community based organizations.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities only.

Building Trust Through Partnerships
Meaningful partnerships and community engagement that build trust need to be the first step of any equitable effort. Hear how cities and non-profit bikeshare operators are creating partnerships and developing an inclusive process that leads to an inclusive system. This conversation will be facilitated by Waffiyyah Murray with BBSP and will feature Memphis, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.
This session is open to staff at NACTO member cities and BBSP community partners and non-profit operators only.

Social Sessions.

Join NACTO staff and fellow Roundtable participants for an interactive and collaborative activity that you’ll be sure to walk away from with a new bike route recommendation. The “Bike Map” is a way to get to know fellow attendees and learn about their love of biking. The activity involves an interactive map in which you will be asked to pin a bike route that is near and dear to you. Be prepared to speak on why you love this bike route and share details about what the route looks, feels, and sounds like. Capacity: 30 attendees.

Courtney Williams of bicycle advocacy consulting project, The Brown Bike Girl, facilitates a 90-minute virtual game-based learning event for the NACTO & BBSP 2021 Roundtable Series. Event attendees will hear from Living Lab grant leads working to develop best practices addressing significant barriers to shared micromobility. Guests will share how they are engaging youth in transportation issues – why it’s important, how to direct them, likely partners, and what you gain. Time will be reserved for participant Q&A.

Featured guests include:

Capacity: 50 attendees.

Courtney Williams of bicycle advocacy consulting project, The Brown Bike Girl, facilitates a 90-minute virtual game-based learning event for the NACTO & BBSP 2021 Roundtable Series. Event attendees will hear from local community partners working with NACTO member cities as part of the Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery Grant Program. Guests will share how they are reimagining streets, implementing ideas, and supporting ongoing community efforts that meet the needs of populations disproportionately harmed by COVID-19 in Baltimore, MD, and Minneapolis, MN. Time will be reserved for participant Q&A.

Featured guests include:

Capacity: 50 attendees.

Movie buff or not, join us for 60-minutes of Transportation Movie Trivia fun! Recall watching a movie with a cool bike scene? Hint: The Goonies (1985) Or one where an action-packed fight ensues on a subway platform. Hint: Crocodile Dundee (1988) Jot those movies down as they may be featured in our transportation trivia! So, mark your calendars and brush up on your movie history to help you become a winner at the final session of the 2021 NACTO | BBSP | Shared Micromobility & Cities for Cycling Roundtable! Don’t forget your popcorn!

Register for sessions here.