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Let’s Play LA – Creating Kid-Friendly Streetscapes

KaBOOM! is inspiring cities across the country to transform everyday urban spaces, like streets, sidewalks, bus stops, and beyond, into playful opportunities that engage kids and families. Join the organization on a tour along Pico Boulevard, a classic Los Angeles corridor, and meet with local advocates who are helping to revitalize neighborhoods along the corridor through playful public improvement projects and community-driven planning. During this WalkShop we’ll discover how park-poor neighborhoods have transformed underused hardscapes into vibrant places for kids and families to gather and play. Along the way, we’ll stop to re-envision what cities could look like if they were built with kids and families in mind and share what we’ve learned happens when streets and sidewalks are reclaimed as places that remind us that cities should be places for kids, too.


Jennifer De Melo, Director, Programs and Operations, KaBOOM!


Wajenda Chambeshi, Program Manager, Great Streets, City of Los Angeles

Oren Hadar, Executive Committee Member, Pico Great Streets Collaborative