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The Supreme Court’s E.P.A. Decision is a Blow to the Fight Against Climate Change

NACTO is deeply concerned by today’s decision by the Supreme Court to limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to restrict power plant emissions. At a time when we need bold, aggressive action to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, this ruling severely curtails the federal government’s ability to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions that are putting our health and the future of our planet at risk.

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A Gas Tax Holiday is a Gift to Oil Companies, Not Americans

The dramatically increasing cost of vehicles, insurance, and gas underscores the urgency of shifting our transportation system away from one mode–private cars–to one where Americans have choices about how they get around. Suspending the gas tax will not provide meaningful relief for consumers–it will instead subsidize the largest and most profitable industry on the planet.

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Intensifying Traffic Deaths a Clear Mandate to Address the Main Causes of America’s Traffic Safety Crisis

USDOT’s latest fatality data confirm that the United States’ national traffic safety crisis is intensifying, with a person killed on American streets and roads every 13 minutes on average last year. This crisis is unique–no other industrialized country has streets as deadly–and unjust, with Black and Indigenous pedestrians nearly twice as likely to be struck and killed as White pedestrians.

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NACTO’s Statement on the Killing of Patrick Lyoya

Black and brown people are disproportionately stopped by police on our streets, whether they are driving, walking or biking. In too many instances, these stops have led to harassment and even death. Everyone deserves to feel safe while traveling, but our current approach to policing prioritizes the perceived safety of some over the actual safety of others.

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