Existing Conditions
In the condition shown, two neighborhood streets come together at a larger collector street, resulting in difficult crossings for pedestrians who are forced to either detour or cross at an unmarked location.
People bicycling and driving encounter a confusing circulation pattern. Additionally, vehicles may park (legally or illegally) in the center island space, restricting sight-lines.
The footprint of the junction is a large swath of impermeable streetscape, with most runoff being directed past pedestrian crossings and increasing incidents of pooling.
Observe intersection movements and desire lines. Identify opportunities to capture excess impermeable space in the roadbed and organize traffic movements. Enable pedestrians and people bicycling to move along natural desire lines or intuitive paths through complex intersections.
Test traffic reconfigurations with tactical or interim treatments before making capital investments.
Reduce the number of conflict points between motor vehicles and other users. In the illustrated example, motor vehicles are routed through turns sequentially to simplify signalization and turning movements. Pedestrians are given more space to walk, and are provided crossing treatments at expected locations.
In the recaptured plaza space, stormwater can be directed and retained in a high-capacity graded facility, adding green space to a formerly imposing streetscape, and treating and infiltrating a large amount of water. The green infrastructure provides a large amount of edging which can incorporate seating and placemaking elements to engage users. Stationary activities can be encouraged by providing flexible, movable seating and tables in plaza area. Newly reclaimed street space can also be used to site bike share stations.
Incorporate shade trees to provide canopy and encourage people to stay and use plazas and public realm.