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Urban Freight


The cautious optimism that characterized the first edition of the Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism, published in 2017, has been tempered by recognition of the enormity of the policy foundation that must be laid for us to reach a human-focused autonomous future. Like the first Blueprint, this edition lays out a vision for how autonomous vehicles, and technology more broadly, can work in service of safe, sustainable, equitable, vibrant cities.

This vision builds on and reinforces the past decade of transformative city transportation practice. It prioritizes people walking, biking, rolling, and taking transit, putting people at the center of urban life and street design, while taking advantage of new technologies in order to reduce carbon emissions, decrease traffic fatalities, and increase economic opportunities.

About The Guide

The second edition focuses on four key policy areas—transit, freight, pricing, and data—that form the bedrock of a sustainable, vibrant, people-focused future.

It identifies decisions that cities, and government at all levels, must make to reach a people-focused autonomous future that is based on safety, public good, equity, and sustainability. Increasingly, policy makers are realizing that the autonomous future must be guided by thoughtful, bold, transformative public policy and street design practice that reduces driving and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and offers mobility and opportunity to everyone, not just those in cars.

Automation without a comprehensive overhaul of how our streets are designed, allocated, and shared will not result in substantive safety, sustainability, or equity gains. By implementing proactive policies today, cities can act to ensure that the adoption of AV technologies improves transportation outcomes rather than leading to an overall increase in driving.

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