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Tiffany-Ann Taylor

Title: Deputy Director of Freight Programs, Education and Research for the Freight Mobility unit, NYC DOT
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Tiffany-Ann Taylor

Tiffany-Ann Taylor is Deputy Director of Freight Programs, Education and Research for the Freight Mobility unit at the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT). Prior to working at NYC DOT, she worked for the New York City Economic Development Corporation on transformative projects that impact passenger transportation throughout New York City. Tiffany has also worked in suburban and regional planning for Suffolk County Government on Long Island, New York where her primary projects were centered on transportation, open space and economic development. She holds a B.A in Government from The College of William & Mary and a M.S in City & Regional Planning from Pratt Institute. Tiffany is a First-Generation American, the brainchild of the annual Hindsight Conference and Co-Chair of the American Planning Association’s New York Metro Chapter Diversity Committee (also known as DivComm). Tiffany will become the first Black woman to serve as President of the New York Metro Chapter starting January 2021.