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Simon Pouliot

Title: Urban Designer, City of Montréal
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Simon Pouliot

Simon Pouliot has a bachelor’s degree in urban planning from Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) and graduated with a master’s degree in urban design from Université de Montreal (UdeM). Since the beginning of his career, M. Pouliot has accumulated diversified work experience in urban design ranging from community projects to public service as well as in the private sector. His strong engagement towards urban design allowed him to actively participate in design competitions, citizen committees, municipal politics and so on. Up until very recently, he has occupied the roles of treasurer and president of ADUQ, a professional association dedicated to urban design within the province of Québec. Since 2012, M. Pouliot has been working as an urban designer for the City of Montreal, mainly working on the design and construction of the Projet Bonaventure.