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Sheyda Saneinejad

Title: Manager, Vision Zero Projects, Transportation Services, City of Toronto
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Sheyda Saneinejad

Sheyda is a professional engineer and has been with Transportation Services at the City of Toronto for over 8 years. Most recently, she lead the development of Vision Zero 2.0, City of Toronto’s updated road safety plan. Sheyda has been involved in several aspects of planning, designing, operating and monitoring the right of way for vulnerable road users. Some examples include planning, programming and design of several geometric safety modifications, evaluation of Scramble crossing signals, development of the City of Toronto’s award winning road engineering design guidelines and development of the Leading Pedestrian Interval assessment guide. She also has experience working as a Supervisor in traffic operations and teaches at Mohawk College on the topic of Active Transportation. Sheyda has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Transportation Planning and Engineering with experience in both public and private sectors.