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Ronnie Matthew Harris

Title: Visionary Lead, Go Bronzeville
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Ronnie Matthew Harris

Based in Chicago, Ronnie is an experience speaker, counselor, and social entrepreneur.  He has an uncanny knack for connecting people, places and things.   As an experienced urban mission strategist, he’s devoted his life to seeing people flourish within the context of global cities, advocating for equitable access to a quality life.  He’s the founding member of Sacred Roots, a community learning and development enterprise seeking to provide progressive alternatives of hope for those marginalized by historic, socio-economic barriers by creating innovative paths toward sustainable, equitable development through strategic partnerships.

He is presently studying at University of Aberdeen; exploring the socio-economic intersections between race, religion, and culture in urban cities around the world.  Recent projects have included, but are not limited to, the following: