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William Walker
Kiana Parker
Dana Dorsey
Ismael Cuevas
Natasha Araceli Opfell
Chiamaka Ogwuegbu
Marcela Moreno
Abdullahi Abdulle
Stefan Winkler

Stefan co-designed and launched Seattle’s free-floating, scooter share, pilot program and leads community engagement and initiatives to support the 1st/last mile needs of Seattle’s Environmental Justice Communities. Prior to SDOT he co-founded two marketing firms and helped grow early micromobility pioneers, like ofo and gotcha.

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Tim Gill

Tim Gill is a global advocate for children’s outdoor play and mobility, and an independent scholar, writer and consultant. He is the author of No Fear: Growing up in a risk-averse society (described in the New York Times as “a handbook for the movement for freer, riskier play”) and Urban Playground: How child-friendly planning and […]

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