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Wendy Cawley

Wendy Cawley, P.E. has worked for the City of Portland, Oregon since 1997.  For the past 10 years she has been the Traffic Safety Engineer for the City’s High Crash Corridor/Vision Zero Program. Wendy works in the Traffic Design Section on a variety of projects ranging from small scale pedestrian safety projects to multi-modal corridor projects. […]

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Kendra Freeman

Kendra joined the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) in 2016 and assists with project management, research and policy development for MPC’s work in housing and community development. Her work includes engaging external partners in new and ongoing projects, including the Cost of Segregation and community-based planning efforts for transit-oriented development through the Corridor Development Initiative. Prior to MPC, Kendra […]

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Jacob T. Floyd

Jacob is a Planning Coordinator in the City of San Antonio’s Planning Department. In his 9 years of experience in planning Jacob has worked in almost every aspect of city planning; from land use and comprehensive planning to annexation and urban design. His current projects include the Downtown Regional Center Plan and the SA Corridors […]

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Stacy Cook

Stacy Cook, AICP is a Senior Associate for Cambridge Systematics. She supports agencies in navigating change, such as adapting to new technologies, and managing growth, land use, and transportation investments to create vibrant, walkable communities and improve regional mobility. Ms. Cook is supporting the development of the Virginia Automated Vehicle 20XX Strategic Plan and is […]

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Patrick Skoglund oversees consulting, design, development and deployment at SADA Systems, Inc. for Google. His focus on user-experience enables clients to understand Google’s Enterprise ecosystem and how it can be leveraged to improve their businesses. Patrick has been at SADA for over 5 years and has worked with the company to grow more than 10x.

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David Rawsthorne

For 30 years, David Rawsthorne has designed transportation infrastructure ranging from freeway interchanges to local street traffic calming. Since 2001, his work at the City of Vancouver in British Columbia has focused on improving the city’s quality of life by expanding its walking and cycling infrastructure. In recent years, he has planned and designed many […]

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Kathleen Mayell

Kathleen joined the City of Minneapolis in 2016 as a Transportation Planning Manager. She leads transportation planning activities and initiatives, and oversees the Vision Zero effort and the City’s role in regional transit projects. Kathleen previously held positions at the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the City of Somerville, Massachusetts, and Project for Public Spaces in […]

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