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Kristen Jeffers

Kristen Jeffers was born in Greensboro, NC to two parents who instilled in her the love of learning, the love of telling stories, the love of helping others and the love of her home state and all the elements that make up its environment. In 2010, after an early career in the nonprofit and professional services […]

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Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman

Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman is an urban anthropologist whose work focuses on analyzing urban spaces to enhance the lives of people. The founder of THINK.urban, a research consultancy firm based in Philadelphia, she has worked with organizations including Copenhagenize, Project for Public Spaces, and City ID to bring humanist philosophy into city planning and design. Her work incorporates […]

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Diego Alejandro Parra Gonzalez

Diego Parra is 28 years old. He graduated as a civil engineer from Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. During his undergraduate studies, he conducted research on urban and regional sustainability at the “SUR lab” with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Diego loves Bogotá as much as his family and he is passionate […]

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Ronnie Matthew Harris

Based in Chicago, Ronnie is an experience speaker, counselor, and social entrepreneur.  He has an uncanny knack for connecting people, places and things.   As an experienced urban mission strategist, he’s devoted his life to seeing people flourish within the context of global cities, advocating for equitable access to a quality life.  He’s the founding member […]

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