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Jessica Meaney

Jessica Meaney is the Founder and Executive Director of Investing in Place, an organization committed to transportation investments that strengthens communities. She is a transportation advocate who has been living car free in Los Angeles for over 20 years. Most recently, Jessica worked at the Safe Routes to School National Partnership on State and Regional […]

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Dhyana Quintanar Solares

Dhyana Quintanar Solares is a sustainable mobility, public space and urban design expert with over 10 years of experience in the public, private and non-governmental sectors in Mexico. She previously was the head of the Authority of the Public Space of Mexico City where she implemented various street, park, and plaza projects, road safety programs, […]

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Dr. Destiny Thomas

Dr. Destiny Thomas is a change agent and an anthropologist planner. Known as the Unurbanist Planner, she is the founder and CEO of Thrivance Group, a multi-regional, socially responsible, for-profit firm that works to make public spaces and public services safer, healthier and more accessible, especially for Black, Indigenous, and transgender people, as well as […]

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Hank Phan

Hank is a Transportation Planner in the Oakland Department of Transportation’s Planning & Project Development section. In addition to his work delivering transformative transportation improvements, Hank serves on OakDOT’s Racial Equity Team, whose mission is to address racial disparity both in Oakland and in the City workplace. Hank is the Community Engagement Manager for Let’s […]

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Evelyn Blumenberg

Evelyn Blumenberg’s research examines the effects of urban structure—the spatial location of residents, employment, and services—on economic outcomes for low-wage workers, and on the role of planning and policy in shaping the spatial structure of cities.  Her recent projects include analyses of trends in transit ridership, residential location and travel behavior of young adults, the […]

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Wilson Tam

Wilson Tam is a transportation planner and the lead analyst at the City of San Jose Department of Transportation. His focus is on long-range transportation planning, policy development, land use/transportation studies, data analytics, and modeling.  He served as the technical lead in making San Jose the fourth city in the state to shift its CEQA […]

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Hanaa Hamdi

Hanaa A. Hamdi, Ph.D., is currently the national Public Health Director at The Trust for Public Land, she directs the development of healthy and equitable communities. Dr. Hamdi is the former health commissioner for the City of Newark where she oversaw the Departments of Public Health and Human Services, Social & Environmental Services, and was […]

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