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Anna Chamberlin

Anna received her Master of Public Policy degree from George Mason University and has been a leader at the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) since she was a Capital City Fellow in 2007 and wrote the inaugural Complete Streets policy and installed the first electric vehicle charging stations in District government buildings and in the […]

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Brandie Lockett

Brandie Lockett’s passion for urban design inspires planning and development projects, whether urban, suburban or rural, to bring out vibrant opportunities in unlikely places. Her projects focus on envisioning underperforming and overlooked spaces into welcoming environments that help re-value land and revitalize neighborhoods in beauty, sustainability, and social well-being. In partnership with stakeholders, she provides […]

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Jacob Lieb

Jacob Lieb is currently Senior Director for  First/Last Mile Planning for LA Metro where he leads the agency’s efforts to improve conditions for travelers accessing Los Angeles County’s growing transit system.  In prior capacities at Metro, Jacob has had oversight for implementation of agency sustainability initiatives including producing a sustainability performance metrics and reports, and […]

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Stephen Tu

Stephen Tu is a Senior Manager at LA Metro, where he currently serves as Project Deputy to Metro’s NextGen Bus Study, a comprehensive approach to realign the bus network to be more relevant in today’s transportation landscape.  Stephen has led strategic initiatives within the Executive Office, large scale special event operations planning, and managed real-time […]

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