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Mike Bonin
Nury Martinez
Blanka Bracic

Blanka Bracic’s goal is to increase people’s quality of life by offering everyday urban transportation options that are easy, safe, normal, healthy and fun. A recent achievement for Bracic was leading the three-year planning of Calgary’s 5.5km downtown cycle track pilot network through political approvals that ended in 2014. She created the monitoring and evaluation […]

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Lyndsey Nolan

Lyndsey is a passionate social justice and transportation advocate that has worked on a number of multi-sector partnerships to incorporate culturally-relevant community engagement into planning projects. In 2014, while completing her graduate studies, Lyndsey had the opportunity to work at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) through the Randall Lewis Health Policy Fellowship. At […]

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Tia Plunkett-McQueen

Tia Plunkett-McQueen serves as Associate Director of Administrative Services with the D.C. Department of Transportation (DDOT) and plays a key role in setting the human capital strategy for the agency. Since joining DDOT in 2016, Tia has transformed the delivery of HR services to provide increased visibility and  service delivery in managing employee relations, recruitment, […]

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Shreya Gadepalli

Shreya Gadepalli is one of the foremost urban mobility experts in India. She leads the Urban Works Institute—an Indian think-n-do tank that enriches the lives of people by helping cities create safe and engaging public spaces and develop green and inclusive mobility solutions. Ms. Gadepalli is the Founder Emeritus of the India Programme of the […]

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