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Jascha Franklin-Hodge

Jascha Franklin-Hodge is the Executive Director of the Open Mobility Foundation (OMF). The city-led foundation helps cities and industry collaborate to develop open source tools and data standards that support adoption and regulation of emerging mobility technology. He previously served in the cabinet of Mayor Martin J. Walsh as Boston’s Chief Information Officer, and lead […]

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Joseph Jerome

Joseph Jerome is Policy Counsel for the Privacy & Data Project at the Center for Democracy & Technology. His work focuses on the legal and ethical questions posed by smart technologies, artificial intelligence, and digital advertising, and he is interested in promoting better transparency and user control mechanisms around novel uses of information across the […]

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Jan Whittington

Dr. Jan Whittington is Associate Professor of the Department of Urban Design and Planning, at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her research applies transaction cost economic theory to networked infrastructures, such as transportation, water, and communications systems, to internalize factors historically treated as external to transactions. Her publications include methodologies for greenhouse gas mitigation and resilience […]

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Suchitra Sanagavarapu

Ms. Sanagavarapu has been with NYCDOT for 14 years, currently serving as the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Commissioner of the Traffic Operations division. Prior to that, she managed a team of planners/engineers/consultants working on post Hurricane Sandy recovery and resiliency capital projects, and also managed community engagement, transportation planning and streetscape/public space projects […]

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Manuel Calvo

Manuel is the Sustainability Senior Consultant at the EstudioMC. His work focuses on the development and implementation of technical assistance related to sustainable mobility, strategic environmental assessment, and urban planning. A socio-ecologist by training, Manuel also has a background in Biology and Humanities and is a former professor of Economics and Environment in the University […]

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Alain Boulanger

A graduate of the Paris School of Engineers, Alain started his career with the Traffic Department of the City Hall of Paris. His work has spanned from the development of the first cycling routes in two of Paris’s arrondissements to designing bus lanes and junctions to improve the movement of buses in Paris, to the […]

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Alicia Posner

Alicia Posner is a Senior Project Manager at the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT), within the Research, Implementation, and Safety unit. She manages the design, outreach, implementation, and evaluation of multiple street improvement projects per year as part of New York City’s Vision Zero Initiative. In addition to her work on street improvement […]

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Peter Bennett

Peter Bennett is a Transportation Specialist in San José, California with the Department of Transportation’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Program. He is currently leading the implementation of more than 30 miles of all ages & abilities bicycling facilities in downtown San José. Using quick-build techniques, the project takes advantage of scheduled pavement maintenance to upgrade to […]

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