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Aditya Kumar

Aditya Kumar is Executive Director of Development Action Group (DAG), based in South Africa. Adi has extensive experience in the development sector having worked across the globe in India, South Africa, Lebanon, United States, Kenya and Uganda.  Previously he worked as Head of Design and Planning for Nahr El Bared Palestinian Camp Reconstruction Project with […]

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Rolf Eisinger

Rolf Eisinger recently moved to Denver where he managers the City and County of Denver’s Vision Zero program. Rolf was car free while he earned his BA at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Then, he moved to Louisville, KY and earned a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Louisville. After graduate school Rolf worked for Louisville Metro […]

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Catherine Ciarlo

Catherine Ciarlo is the Active Transportation & Safety Division Manager for the Portland Bureau of Transportation. Her portfolio includes Portland’s Vision Zero initiative, new mobility implementation (including bike share and E-scooters), the city’s Safe Routes to School program, and other transportation demand management activities and open streets events. Prior to joining PBOT, Catherine was a […]

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Andreas Piller

Andreas has been a planner with the City of Bellevue Transportation Department for eight years. He has managed bike share in the city since 2017, from development of the framework for the one year pilot through its evaluation and transition into the current annual permit. Responding to community feedback, the program has prioritized the designation of […]

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Adrian Leung

Adrian Leung works at SFMTA as the Bikeshare and Bike Parking Program Manager, and the Scootershare Policy Evaluation Lead. He has worked in bicycle/pedestrian planning and advocacy for 12 of the last 16 years, arriving at the SFMTA after working at non-profits, private firms, and other public agencies. He was the first person to call […]

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