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Dr. Eileen de Villa

Dr. Eileen de Villa is the Medical Officer of Health for Toronto Public Health, Canada’s largest local public health agency that provides public health programs and services to 2.9 million residents. Dr. de Villa received her degrees as Doctor of Medicine and Master of Health Science (MHSc) (Health Promotion) from the University of Toronto and […]

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Jack Skillen

Jack has worked for 15 years in fields of urban regeneration and sustainable transport since completing his MSc in Cities, Space and Society. He is focused on achieving the placeshaping strategy for the London Bridge BID, including a vision for cycling, the ‘Low Line’ – London’s new walking destination – and a sustainability strategy to […]

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Naz Capano

Naz Capano is the Manager of Transportation Policy and Innovation in Transportation Services with the City of Toronto. He has over 30 years of experience in areas focused on infrastructure asset management, traffic and road operations, transportation policy and environmental initiatives related to climate change and adaption. Naz has guided a variety of strategic initiatives […]

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Stephanie Dock

Stephanie Dock manages the  District (of Columbia) Department of Transportation’s Research Program. The Research Program supports all aspects of the agency’s work and over the past 7 years, Stephanie has been involved in a range of projects from pervious concrete to connected and autonomous vehicles. Some of her largest efforts have been the parkDC value pricing parking […]

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