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Siddharth Shah

Siddharth Shah is a Planner + Engineer at Sam Schwartz with expertise in data analysis and project delivery of traffic safety improvement projects. Mr. Shah works closely with the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) on the Vision Zero Chicago program. He is involved in the planning, designing, and implementing improvements to equitably make Chicago streets […]

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Po Sun

Po Sun is a Senior Planner at Sam Schwartz specializing in communicating complex ideas and plans through thoughtful design strategies that help communities make informed decisions. He has over six years of public and private sector experience, managing and performing numerous transportation planning studies that designing Complete Streets to provide equitable and safe environments for […]

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Lian Farhi

Lian Farhi is a Senior Planner at Sam Schwartz specializing in public space design, complete streets, and placemaking. She possesses a multidisciplinary background and years of experience practicing architecture, urban design and multi-modal transportation planning. Ms. Farhi has designed, implemented, and managed a range of real-world projects to create safe, livable, and future-ready streets.

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Alex Hanson

Alex Hanson is a Senior Planner at Sam Schwartz who works with cities across the country to better connect their transportation policies and street design to community goals like safety, resiliency, and equity. Alex specializes in helping cities translate their mobility goals into meaningful performance metrics and creating new organizational processes and structures to better […]

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Donna Williams

Donna C. Williams is a mayoral appointee and serves as the Administrator of the Department of Economic & Community Development for Mayor Andy Berke in Chattanooga, TN. Her department includes several divisions: Community Development & Housing, Economic & Workforce Development, Land Development Office, Regional Planning Agency, Public Art, Open Spaces, Code Enforcement, Real Property & […]

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Alex Johnston

Alex Johnston is a civic designer and social entrepreneur. In 2014, Alex founded Cities Reimagined, a civic design firm that employs principles of design to solve complex challenges in urban cities. She is a graduate of the London School of Economics with a Master’s Degree in Cities. Alex started her career as a social worker, […]

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Jennifer Godzeno

Jennifer Godzeno directs NACTO’s member engagement strategy, leadership programs, and the Designing Cities conference. She is an engaging facilitator and public speaker who has spent over a decade centering the civic power of communities of color in planning decisions. She led the government technical assistance unit as Deputy Director at the Participatory Budgeting Project, and […]

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Jay Decker
Angela Martinez

Angie Martinez is the Senior Right-of-Way Manager with the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, Division of Permits & Inspections. Angie and her team oversee the review, issuance, and inspection of more than 20 unique types of permits and plans needed to construct or occupy the public right-of-way (ROW). In 2019, the division […]

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Jennifer Ruley

Jennifer Ruley is the Mobility and Safety Division Manager for the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works. The focus of this newly formed division is to ensure multimodal design in street projects that improves mobility options and increases safety for people walking, bicycling, accessing transit, and driving. Her team leads highly collaborative projects […]

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