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Elif Cadoux

Elif Cadoux (they/them/theirs) is a social justice facilitator, collaborative artist, and writer based in Philadelphia, PA. Their artwork and professional practice center embodied politics, creative learning, and liberatory relationships. Elif’s experiences in the University of Michigan’s Program on Intergroup Relations Education, survivor healing and anti-violence work, youth development, and participatory theater inform their anti-oppression facilitation […]

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Susan Loucks

Susan Loucks designs and facilitates processes for change, planning, skill building, and organizational improvement, with particular attention to broad and effective participation and power dynamics within organizations. Susan has convened and facilitated many multi-stakeholder decision making processes in sectors ranging from natural resources to employment for people with disabilities. A longtime resident of Boston, she […]

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Scott Curry

Scott Curry is the Active Transportation Coordinator for the City of Charlotte. In that role he oversees the City’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Programs and serves as the Planning Manager for the Cross Charlotte Trail. Scott played a key role in the creation of Charlotte’s Vision Zero Action Plan, and he is leading the development of […]

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Julianne Sabula

Julianne Sabula is Strategic Planning & Programming Manager for the Salt Lake City Transportation Division. She has 17 years of experience in transportation, financial, land use and environmental planning and holds degrees in Urban Planning and Cultural Anthropology. Her current initiatives include implementation of the Salt Lake City Transit Master Plan, development of a project […]

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Noel Pond-Danchik

Noel Pond-Danchik is a Transportation Planner for Oakland’s Department of Transportation (OakDOT). She works to make walking and rolling in Oakland safer, more accessible, and more fun and she currently co-chair’s OakDOT’s Racial Equity Team.

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Jean Crowther

Jean Crowther, AICP has more than fifteen years of experience fostering change and innovation in cities and regions across the U.S. She is a Principal with Alta Planning + Design and leads the firms emerging mobility practice, working at the intersection of transportation and technology. Her outcomes-oriented approach to planning and commitment to reducing mobility […]

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Mike Sawyer

Mr. Sawyer has over 25 years of experience in transportation engineering work in the private sector as well as the local, state, regional, tribal, and federal levels of government. He currently serves as the City Transportation Engineer for the City of Richmond, VA and is designated as the City’s Vision Zero Coordinator. Previously, he served […]

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Ashwini Chhabra

Ashwini Chhabra is a Co-founder and Principal of Electric Avenue, a public affairs consultancy whose mission is to accelerate the transition to human scale, zero-emission urban transport. He has previously held roles as Head of Public Affairs at Bird, a pioneer in the shared micromobility industry; and as Head of Policy Development at Uber, where […]

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Louis Pappas

Louis is a Co-founder and Principal at Electric Avenue. He served for 5 years in the Obama-Biden White House, first in public procurement policy and eventually on transport and logistics as an advance aide to President Obama. He helped found the RFP response teams at Via Transportation and at Bird, where he most recently led […]

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Melinda Hanson

Melinda is Co-founder and Principal at Electric Avenue, a public affairs and mobility policy firm whose mission is to accelerate the transition to human-scale, zero-emission mobility. She’s spent her career working at the intersection of transport and climate, including as Head of Sustainability at Bird, Deputy Director at NACTO’s Global Designing Cities Initiative, and Portfolio […]

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