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Mariana Alegre Escorza

Title: General Coordinator, Lima Cómo Vamos
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities conference
Mariana Alegre Escorza

Mariana Alegre was born in Lima, Peru. She studied Law at PUCP, and has earned an MSc in City Design and Social Science (London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE). When studying for her first Master in Human Rights, she decided to promote Urban Rights. She has been involved in several research projects and academic work, in particular about sustainable urban mobility, public spaces and urban renewal with social inclusion processes.

Since 2010, Mariana, has served as the General Coordinator of Lima Cómo Vamos citizen observatory (, whose mission is to evaluate the quality of life of the “limeños” (Lima`s neighborhoods). She also writes opinion columns for newspapers Perú 21 and El Tiempo.

Mariana rides her bike and walk around her city. She wants other people to love Lima as much as she does!