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Lacy Shelby

Title: Director of Resiliency Planning and Management, New York City Department of Transportation
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities conference

Lacy Shelby, Director of Resiliency Planning and Management, New York City Department of Transportation, has spent her career adapting aging infrastructure to the demands of a rapidly changing climate. In her former role as Director of Green Infrastructure, Shelby was a major force in the City’s plans for the reconstruction of critical street infrastructure following Hurricane Sandy, specifically utilizing climate adaptive strategies. Contributor to New York City’s “A Stronger, More Resilient New York,” a comprehensive plan with recommendations for increasing resilience of infrastructure, Shelby, working with the Department of Transportation developed strategies for hardening street infrastructure.  Shelby is focused on exploring adaptive planning and design strategies in the public realm.  Her current portfolio includes coordinating and collaborating with multiple city agencies in the deployment of flood and coastal protection measures, development of resiliency guidelines for street infrastructure, and analysis and vulnerability assessments of transportation infrastructure across New York City.