Jennifer currently leads the bus side of the strategic planning at CTA, which includes long term bus projects like BRT, some land use planning coordination, some customer survey and market research, and lots of interagency coordination. This year, Jennifer is also serving as a Visiting Transit Professional at Oakland’s new Department of Transportation, bringing the transit perspective to OakDOT as it strives to implement its new strategic plan, and learning more about how DOTs work to help inform CTA’s approach to improving bus service.
Before joining CTA, Jennifer worked in the non-profit sector on a variety of projects, policies and advocacy efforts relating to transportation and land use. This included work with the Natural Resources Defense Council in New York City on state-level legislation that would establish a tax credit for smart growth developments, and time at the U.S. Green Building Council in Washington, D.C. managing the launch of LEED for Neighborhood Development, a national rating and certification system for better land use, street design, and more transit-oriented development.
Jennifer holds a Masters of Urban Planning from New York University and a B.A. in History and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She grew up in DeKalb, Illinois, and her formative planning experience was watching the rapid growth of the Chicago suburbs across some of the best farmland in the world.