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Hank Willson

Title: Parking Policy Manager, SFMTA
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference

Hank was born and raised in Atlanta, and moved to San Francisco nearly 13 years ago.  Hank spent six years as a civil rights attorney before following his true passion to transportation planning.  Hank worked for four years on the SFpark program in San Francisco, focusing on making San Francisco the first city to install time-of-day demand-responsive pricing in public parking garages.  He now leads the city’s on-street parking policy team, which is responsible for setting policy and regulations for all 280,000 on-street parking spaces.  Current major projects include: bringing demand-responsive pricing and real-time availability data to all 28,000 metered spaces in the city; expanding the city’s on-street car share program to as many as 1000 on-street spaces; reforming the city’s 40-year old residential permit program; and bringing legible, rational parking regulations to the city’s fast-growing formerly industrial neighborhoods.  Hank is the co-author of an article with Donald Shoup and Gregory Pierce about demand-responsive pricing in parking garages.  He has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a JD from Georgetown University.