Chris Morfas is Senior Advisor to Despacio, an NGO based in Bogota, Colombia. Despacio advances sustainable mobility internationally via research, advocacy, and training; its recent publications include robust studies of bicycle and motorcycle use in Latin America. Chris helps with organizational structure, program development, project delivery, and outreach. He will regale you with tales of Ciclovia, TransMilenio, and more while carefully avoiding any mention of his abysmal salsa dancing.
From 1997-2013, Chris was one of the most successful state-level walking and bicycling advocates in USA history, achieving award-winning success on Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, bike project funding, and more. He was the founding Executive Director (and later Board Chair) of the California Bicycle Coalition, founding Vice Chair of what is now the Alliance for Biking and Walking, and a senior policy coordinator with the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.