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Carlos Javier Vega

Title: Director of Community Planning, Alto Perú
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Carlos Javier Vega

Carlos Javier Vega (Lima 1981) is an Architect based in Lima, Peru.

Since 2015 he is the Director of the Public Spaces Program at Proyecto Alto Perú (, which promotes human cohesion within -at risk- communities in Lima, through the collective detection of available resources or “richness”, the development of -daily based- relational frameworks and the design and implementation of tactical urban infrastructure putting children and families first.

Since January 2019 he is working as a consultant at the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima on the implementation of Urban95, The Bernard Van Leer Foundation´s initiative, rooted in the belief that when urban neighborhoods work well for babies, toddlers and the people who care for them, they also tend to nurture strong communities and economic development. His work is initially focused on promoting inter-agency collaboration, the inclusion of Early childhood development outcomes at the implementation of urban projects, and the development of low cost mobility interventions for vulnerable communities of Lima.