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Alison Cohen

Title: CEO and President, Bicycle Transit Systems
NACTO Title: WalkShop Leader
Alison Cohen

Alison Cohen, President and CEO of Bicycle Transit Systems, has arguably the broadest and deepest background in bike share in the US and globally. Since 2007, she has had deep experience in this evolving business, from hands-on operation and implementation of seven bike share systems to contracting, business modeling, sponsorship acquisition, planning and feasibility assessments and more. She has been riding her bike for transportation for most of her life, and loves that she is increasing personal freedom through a new transportation choice that is cheap, fast, quiet, sustainable and healthy. Prior to her career in bike share, she held her high school’s basketball scoring record that was broken by Kobe Bryant among other achievements, was ranked #400 in the world in women’s tennis singles, #300 in doubles and played competitive women’s ultimate Frisbee.