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Greening the Streetscape: Complete Streets & Stormwater Management (webinar)

How can the transportation projects be designed to benefit the environment, promote public health, and manage stormwater, all while creating vibrant, attractive, walkable places? And what innovative strategies are cities around the country using to make their streets safer and more resilient?

Join the National Complete Streets Coalition and co-host NACTO (the National Association of City Transportation Officials) to explore these questions and more. This webinar will explore the success of NACTO cities, who are leading the way in designing Green and Complete Streets. The webinar will also highlight NACTO’s new Urban Street Stormwater Guide, which showcases strategies for getting the most from streets, both for mobility and the environment.

This webinar will feature speakers from two NACTO cities who are developing and implementing green stormwater infrastructure projects that provide safe, inviting, and vibrant streets for people walking, biking, and riding transit. Jessica Noon will share the story of how Philadelphia became a national leader with their Green City, Clean Waters program, and Sarah Anderson will explain how Denver’s cutting edge Ultra-Urban Green Infrastructure Guidelines are setting the city up for success.

This is the sixth webinar in Implementation & Equity 201: The Path Forward to Complete Streets, a new series of discussions designed to help professionals from a variety of disciplines put Complete Streets principles into action.

Register here.