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Walkshop: Fare Free Buses: Policy in Action

Walkshop: Fare Free Buses: Policy in Action

What is a fair fare? Learn about the many ways the City of Boston is working to tackle this issue.

We’ll start by taking a fare-free bus from Ruggles Station, where we’ll get to see all-door boarding in action, to Nubian Station. On the way, we’ll talk about what fare-free buses have taught us so far, and what more we hope to learn. Then, we’ll walk around Nubian Square Main Streets, a vibrant business district and one of the locations for the City’s Main Streets Free Transit Pilot. We’ll learn how that pilot was structured and designed, and what the main takeaways were. After, we’ll hear from advocates at LivableStreets, one of the first major proponents of fare free buses in the Boston region, to learn more about how and why they continue to push the conversation around fair fares forward.

Mode: Walking, Transit