California is in the midst of a traffic safety crisis. Over 3,500 people died on streets in California in 2017, the second most of any state in the country, and an alarming proportion of those killed (28 percent) were people walking and biking. Confronting this trend will require bold action from state leaders.
Over the next year, California has a unique opportunity to end preventable road deaths through the State Zero Traffic Fatalities task force. This group of researchers, advocates, and public officials will develop policies to reduce traffic fatalities to zero and present them to the Legislature in 2020. The success of a statewide effort will hinge on building upon the design, engineering, and policy solutions that are already saving lives in cities.
Across California, ten cities have adopted Vision Zero policies, committing to eliminate traffic fatalities by designing safer streets, educating the public on traffic safety, enforcing existing traffic laws, and implementing new life-saving policies. Join experts from the California City Transportation Initiative (CaCTI) for a walking tour of street safety projects in Sacramento and learn what makes a good Vision Zero policy work.
Meet at the west steps of the Capitol starting at 10:15 AM.
Register here.