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Workshop: You’re Always On – Delivering Compelling Presentations

Workshop: You’re Always On – Delivering Compelling Presentations

Good presentations and public speaking are like good teaching. Exhibiting executive presence, quieting nervous energy, and conveying your presentation clearly are fundamental skills that leaders require and are continually practicing to perfection. Join Dr. Daniel Moser for this group workshop to elevate your visual design and delivery techniques.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Balance and synthesize emotional awareness with logic and persuasion
  • Read and replicate non-verbal body language
  • Communicate quantitative information, data, and statistics through effective PowerPoint design
  • Realize subtleties of social dynamics through improved critical listening skills
  • Develop techniques for overcoming anxiety that may obstruct delivery of clear messages
  • Master and internalize storytelling structures (START, Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and PREP) for organizing thoughts to better engage in a variety of communication settings

Fee: $175; includes breakfast
3.0 credit hours

Interested participants will also have the option of signing up for one-on-one coaching sessions (optional, for an additional fee).