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Limiting Opportunities for Speeding

Limiting Opportunities for Speeding


Arterials make up just 4 percent of streets, yet they account for a large portion of people killed and severely injured on city streets. Speed kills, and the fastest vehicles are the most likely to have a crash result in an injury or death. However, more and more cities are finding a new tool to reduce this deadly practice, learning that how they time their traffic signals can reduce high-end speeding, making a dramatic difference to the safety of the street.

Join us in this cities-only webinar to hear from Peter Furth, currently on sabbatical to serve as a visiting research at NACTO, and explore a new metric on signal performance: “speeding opportunities.” Learn how some widely-used signal timing methods create opportunities for unsafe speeding, and what techniques can help mitigate that risk. By considering speeding opportunities along with traditional metrics such as capacity and level of service, cities can develop signalization plans that serve safety and mobility goals at the same time. We’ll also open the floor for questions from you: the people designing and working with signals in your cities!