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Inclusive Transportation: A Book Club Event with Veronica Davis

Inclusive Transportation: A Book Club Event with Veronica Davis

Join Veronica Davis, Houston’s Director of Transportation & Drainage Operations and a NACTO Board Member, as she leads a discussion on how to navigate accountability as a decision-maker. Citing lessons from her new book Inclusive Transportation: A Manifesto for Repairing Divided Communities, attendees will think through how city staffers can take on the practical challenges of transportation that require hard work and take years to realize. How do leaders organize the teams, contractors, and systems  they oversee, and leave legacies that ensure the fruits of their labor will be realized for years to come?

This event is part of NACTO’s Lunch & Learn Series. These sessions provide a casual virtual space for NACTO members to share and learn from peers across the country. Have your lunch or snack handy—depending on your time zone—and join this generative space for dynamic conversation led by both NACTO staff and members!

This event is limited to 50 attendees, and is only open to staff in NACTO member cities and partner agencies. Registration details for members will be shared through our Mobilize listserv. If you are a member city or agency staffer that would like to be added to our listserv, please contact Yadira Cabrera.