Members-only event
Over the past few years, the City of Philadelphia has engaged in a full redesign of the intersection of N. Broad-Germantown-Erie Avenues. N. Broad Street is on the City’s High Injury Network, it’s a Vision Zero intersection project, and a high-comfort bike corridor. The project intersection is a major transit hub, with surface and subway access, and a busy and diverse shopping hub. Philadelphia is seeking to fully transform this intersection into a safer, more vibrant, and multi-modal urban nexus.
This Digital Design Charrette will critique the draft concept design, with feedback from leading practitioners on topics from geometric design to traffic management to placemaking. A particular focus of the conversation will be about how to make the Germantown Avenue northbound traffic movement to N. Broad Street integrate with a public space.
Angela Dixon, Planning Director, Philadelphia oTIS
Kelley Yemen, Director of Complete Streets, Philadelphia oTIS
Andrew Simpson, Transit Policy Planner, Philadelphia oTIS
Jesse Mintz-Roth, Vision Zero Program Manager, San José DOT
Lucy Galbraith, Director of Transit Oriented Development, Metro Transit