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See LA’s Electric Buses of the Future (at the Factory!)

How many electric bus manufacturers are there in the United States? We have one right here in LA County! Proterra is an electric bus manufacturer and LADOT is building 25 of them. LADOT won a low emissions grant to build 25 Electric DASH buses. The site visit will include a ride in an electric bus to the showing of each station that will have the shell of a bus, seats, paint, wheels, and where they put the batteries to run the bus. If we are lucky, we just might see the LADOT buses being built on the production line!


Martha D’Andrea, Division Head of Specialized Transit and Grants, LADOT


Tommy Melendez, Maintenance Support Section Head, LADOT
Natalie Ramirez, Customer Program Manager, Proterra
Brian Miller, Plant Manager, Proterra