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Great Projects, Great Streets and Continuous Improvement in Mar Vista

How do you take a state highway and give it a local feel? The Great Streets Initiative is changing streets across the Los Angeles landscape. The Venice Boulevard Great Street is a pilot project in Los Angeles’ famed Westside that includes roadway reconfigurations, parking-protected bike lanes, new traffic signals, new crossings, and innovative signal operation to both move emergency vehicles faster and improve safety. This project shows the value of effective community engagement, evaluation, and continuous improvement in complete street projects. Project challenges will also be explored. Change can be difficult, especially in the car culture of Los Angeles.


Hannah Levien, Field Deputy, Mar Vista + West LA, Office of Councilmember Mike Bonin

Nader Asmar, PE, Principal Transportation Engineer, Los Angeles DOT


Councilmember Mike Bonin, Council member for the 11th district
Anna Martin, Store owner, LA Brakeless
Erin Ward, Store co-owner, Alana’s Coffee Roasters
Tatia Oshidari, Restaurant owner, Little Fatty
Lenore French, Gallery affiliate, Buck Wild Art Gallery