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Controlling Traffic in the City of Angels: ATSAC Infrastructure and Operations

Ever wonder how Los Angeles keeps traffic moving? Take a stroll with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to the world famous center that houses the Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) system. Learn about how the idea for ATSAC emanated out of the 1984 Olympics. The current generation of signal synchronization technology optimizes the 4,689 traffic signals that control over 7,500 miles of city streets! Witness the field installation of advance traffic signal cabinets, changeable message signs, surveillance cameras, and communications equipment; and hear from LADOT engineers discussing daily operation of the ATSAC Center and its transportation management system.


George Chen, Senior Transportation Engineer, Los Angeles DOT


Jonathan Hui, Transportation Engineer, Los Angeles DOT
Erik Zambon, PE, Transportation Engineer, Signal Timing & ATSAC Operations Division, Los Angeles DOT