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Unifying Uptown Through Infrastructure and Design

Uptown is one of Chicago’s most diverse neighborhoods. The area at the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence, anchored by iconic structures such The Riviera Theater, The Uptown Theater and The Aragon Ballroom, is known for its diverse entertainment enclave. Argyle Street offers an extensive variety of Asian restaurants and retailers, serving as a center of Asian culture in the City. These active corridors are easily accessed and linked to the rest of the City (and each other!) through the CTA’s Red Line and the Leland Greenway. Learn how CDOT and the CTA have worked with the Uptown community to further promote connectivity along these corridors through design and infrastructure improvements that promote walking, bicycling, transit use and neighborhood identity.

Modes: “L” Train, Walking

This WalkShop is supported by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.