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Northside Lakefront Improvements – Trail Separation Projects and North Lake Shore Drive Reconstruction

Enjoy a beautiful stroll along Chicago’s Lakefront Trail, the country’s busiest off-street trail, to see how CDOT and the Chicago Park District are investing in trail improvement projects to provide greater separation between the many different users of the trail. Riding north from downtown, participants will hear about the stunning Navy Pier Flyover – a new ped/bike bridge under construction that will mitigate conflicts at the Trail’s busiest points, see recently completed trail separation improvement projects, and hear about shoreline protection efforts that have also resulted in increased open space and better pedestrian and bike accommodations. Also hear from CDOT and IDOT on the planning progress of the complete reconstruction of North Lake Shore Drive and the opportunities the project presents for better transit service, better trail accommodations, and increased open space.

Mode: Walking


This WalkShop is supported by HNTB and T.Y. Lin, and the Illinois Department of Transportation