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Complete, Green and Age Friendly: How Transportation Investments are Moving Evanston’s Livability Brand Forward

Travel to Chicago’s nearest northern suburb and learn how Evanston embraced its mix of urban-grids and quiet neighborhoods to foster its brand as the Most Livable City. In just 5 years, Evanston has installed three generations of separated and protected bicycle facilities, a shared curbless street and launched the northern expansion of the Chicagoland Divvy Bike Share system. Evanston has used transportation to define its unique community character and improve the community’s livability for its residents. Tour Evanston and Northwestern University’s campus via train, Divvy, and foot to discuss the lessons learned from multiple generations of on and off street bicycle facility investments, and best practices for integrating sustainable transport amenities into campus and city infrastructure.

Modes: “L” Train, Walking, Biking, Metra

This WalkShop is supported by Christopher B. Burke Engineering