Join NACTO for an in-depth discussion of the opportunities and challenges that new technologies pose for 21st century transportation systems. Building on the USDOT Smart Cities challenge, and in partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council, NACTO has convened forward-thinking city transportation leaders for a conversation on the near-term opportunities and long-term visions for leveraging technology to achieve safe, sustainable city transportation systems for people walking, biking, and taking transit.
9:00-10:10 – Panel discussion
City challenges, opportunities and funding pathways for technological solutions
- Linda Bailey, NACTO Executive Director
- Mark Dowd, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, USDOT
- Leah Treat, Director, Portland Bureau of Transportation
- Rob Spillar, Director, Austin Transportation Department
- Candace Faber, Civic Technology Advocate, City of Seattle
10:15-11:15 – Breakout group discussions focused on specific topics
- Open data. Moderated by Jay Primus, Consultant
- How can cities take the lead, and what is the role of the federal government or the private sector?
- Policy. Moderated by Al Biehler, State Smart Transportation Initiative
- What are the leading practices in policy development to support smart city initiatives, both in terms of planning, funding, and implementation? How could the federal and state governments better assist cities in funding their transportation technology goals?
- Scaling up. Moderated by Mark Dowd, USDOT
- How can cities effectively scale up their approaches to technology and transportation? What are the necessary partnerships?
- Multimodal, Shared, Autonomous Mobility. Moderated by Amanda Eaken, NRDC
- Who is currently setting policy and goals for ride-hailing apps and automated vehicles, and how can cities be part of those discussions?
11:20 -12:00 – Panel discussion
Moderated summary from groups and discussion of how cities can collaborate and work together to seize opportunities to integrate technology into transportation.
- Linda Bailey, NACTO Executive Director
- Mark Dowd, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, USDOT
- Amanda Eaken, Director of Transportation and Climate, Urban Solutions Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Jay Primus, Independent Consultant
- Al Biehler, University Transportation Center, Carnegie Mellon University