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Designing Urban Bikeways Workshop: Champaign

NACTO, League of Illinois Bicyclists, and Campaign County Bikes are pleased to offer a full-day workshop on innovative bikeway design, based on the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide.

Participants will learn state-of-the-practice solutions foron-street bikeways, based on lessons learned from the world’s best bicycling cities, and apply these lessons in a workshop. The design charrette format will incorporate classroom and field activities, and provide a forum for dialogue and engagement between engineers, planners, and other professionals.

Learning objectives»

• Become familiar with innovative bike facilities covered in the Urban Bikeway Design Guide, including cycletracks, protected bike lanes, and bicycle boulevards.

• Learn how to tailor on-street bikeway solutions to their communities.

• Apply principles of the Urban Bikeway Design Guide, including short-term and long-term strategies.

• Learn appropriate context and warrants for facility implementation.



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